Monday, October 15, 2007

Staying on the job

That's the headline on an article in the October 2007 issue of the AARP Bulletin by Bill Novelli, CEO of AARP.

"More Americans are working longer, into their so-called retirement years," he writes. "Some are setting up their own shops, others have changed jobs or even careers, and many are still at the same organization where they've been for decades."

Our point exactly. I love it when the AARP -- formerly the American Association of Retired People -- refers to the "so-called retirement years."

Novelli goes on to talk about the challenges older workers face in looking for work. Excerpts from his article are posted under "Hot Flashes" at Here's his conclusion:

"People who work longer contribute to their own well-being, to their workplaces and to overall society. As more Americans stay on the job, the trend is going in the right direction."

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